
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good TQ run!


It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Christmas mode is enabled by default, but can be disabled in the seasonal settings menu.

New stand icon who dis

A relatively large icon in the top right of the character window shows you whether you're standing or kneeling, and what bondage you're currently stuck in. Currently, it has variants for ball gags, ring gags, wrist bondage in front, wrist bondage behind, ankle bondage, wrist collar bar, serving table, mittens, and three different poses - standing, on hands and knees, and on knees and unable to use hands (because they're bound behind or in a collar bar).

The button to stand and kneel underneath the map window now also uses a smaller version of this icon. However you can change this back to the old stickmen in the settings menu if you like.

Long Time No See!

Wenches will now spawn even when you don't have full Ass-To-Mouth enabled. They will just force you to eat cum from their pussies instead. (In fact, the wench will always sometimes choose to feed you with her pussy, even with full a2m enabled.)

There is also much better tracking of whether the wench has recently been fucked by another NPC, which affects in what ways cum will leak out of her, and in what quantities. For example, players with bukkake enabled will find that cum leaks out onto their face during facesits, as opposed to just filling their mouth. And, if she would happen to expel large amounts of semen on the ground at a certain moment, but that in that moment she's fighting you, she'll instead aim it at your face and blind you.

And when the wench cums (specifically when her pussy is over your mouth, not her ass), well, if you have grossness enabled it isn't pretty. Or perhaps it is pretty. Depends on your opinion of what counts as pretty.

Easy Teaching

Blame one of the oldest and most loyal supporters for this! You now need to spend 2 points in the benefits menu for 'easy teaching'. If you don't, you have to request NPCs teach you a skill just like you have to request their items and other favours, and they'll probably want something in return.

And just because I haven't worked out a better way to do it yet, you need to be ready to learn a new skill both when you ask for the favour (in case your charisma earns you a freebie), and also when you complete the errand. If you accidentally complete the errand when you're not ready to learn a new skill, you'll have to ask again and complete a new errand!

Drink It, Bitch!

We've implemented a system by which NPCs can (before, and in addition to their normal punishment) force you to eat or drink something in your possession that you'd rather not - currently potions, elixirs or tinctures that you know are cursed, drink vessels containing bodily fluids, used condoms pinned to clothes, and 'bag lunch' used condom items.

The NPCs that will do this are currently mainly the somewhat more bratty and slutty female NPCs - wenches, cultists, academy students, and the like, and robots.

It will always happen if possible, but then there is a cooldown before it can happen again.

There's a known issue where the engine complains about a programming error when an NPC forces you to drink a bodily fluid from a drinking vessel. Aika is still working out what the hell it's complaining about...

Multi Turn Orgasms

If you're particularly horny, or being stretched open by something particularly thick, or the thing making you orgasm is particularly good at making you orgasm, your orgasms can last multiple turns. This is obviously potentially bad if you're trying to fight something, or run away from something.

Power Word: CUM!

The new NPC in the mansion, the neuromancer, can now use 'Power Word: Cum' once per fight. It makes you have a sudden powerful orgasm, lasting 2-4 turns.


The 'boobies' T-shirt, when hit by a transformation effect, now increases the size of your boobs if possible instead of transforming.

Illustrated Lessons

There is now cutscene art by Borvar for Angela's kissing lesson, Kaylee's high heels race lesson, Seraphina's cleavage lesson, and Bianca's cursed goblet drinking lesson.

Illustrated Stashes

There is now environment art by Conrico for the hidden stash in the Dungeon (you'll be able to see it once you learn the skill from an adventurer)

Clearer Concoctions

The type of liquid in the game named 'glittery' had a yellow hue that was easy for watersports-enabled players to confuse with a certain bodily fluid. Now instead, that type of liquid is called 'smoky' and has a distinct dark brown shade.

Similarly the type of liquid named 'clear' still exists but now has a very pale blue hue instead of the off-white that was too easy to confuse with breast milk.

Aika got lazy with noting down all the interesting changes

There's a hundred other minor tweaks, some more of which would usually be noted around here, but aren't this time. Trust us, a bunch of stuff was tweaked and changed as normal. Check the diffs in the public repo if you don't believe us :-P

BETA TESTERS ($5 per month)

Sweet, free items!

Building upon the mansion's reputation as a high risk, high reward region with lots of jewellery to be found but lots of dangerous foes and traps to contend with, we now have a 'slimy portal'.

Once in a while, this slimy portal will have a shiny object appear in the middle. Take it, and it's yours! ...Unless you get a Bad Luck roll. In that case, um, enjoy the reveal. And a brand new golem-like NPC. Art by Wishberri.

As a reminder, alpha testers can always use the command 'fix luck' to easily access the lewd outcomes of things like this.

...Okay, we just want to say that this description above doesn't make it seem like this is a big deal but it is like a whole new interactable environment object and NPC with lots of art and stuff and took Aika forever. So, um, yeah, don't underestimate how much time and effort this took! It is a big deal!

More Extra Credit

The Extra Credit Zone now allows you in even if you've got locked, glued or otherwise unremovable clothing on. It'll summon that stuff right back on you in the final room. Aika has done their best to make sure that any Extra Credit Zone where you might end up in that final room with new clothes that stick around and might clash with your existing clothing commitments cannot be selected when you're wearing unremovable clothing like this.

Park Lake

The upper lake area in the Extra Credit Zone now has a 'lake' object in it where you can wash yourself and potentially hide from bystanders.

Fourth Time's the Charm

There was an issue with beta testers accessing female-player-turning-into-a-futanari content, this has been fixed.

ALPHA TESTERS ($18-20 per month)

Beachball Play Time!

New joint sapphire ranked predicament - beachball play in the lake! Whoever the beachball is closer to has the vibrator inside her chastity belt go crazy. But also, the first to leave the lake gets it set to maximum for the entire time it takes them to get home... And the key for their chastity belt is down by the angel statue, so they need to go there first!

Manage your fatigue wisely, as the difference between your fatigue and hers affects how likely you are to get the ball past her when you throw it to the side.

Also, while you're in the lake, nobody can see your bottom half. But as soon as you get out... it'll become very clear to everyone what an outrageous thing it is you're wearing down there!

Show me that fun hypno screen again...

The debug command 'one more time' now resets traps in your location that have a reset timer before they can be triggered again.


Fixed the skirt lengths of the 'open front dresses', which weren't working properly.

Fixed an issue where the sequins belt wasn't showing up correctly in the character window.

Fixed an issue where the player's reaction to getting transformed into a biological female was always 'I've dreamed of this day...' which was supposed to only be for players who chose to be gendered female from the beginning.

Fixed a bug where facehuggers could ignore the fact that orifices were actually occupied when latching themselves onto you.

Fixed some bugs with the hypno pledge lesson, with pledges coming up multiple times.

Fixed a bug where the anal hook attached to a collar could just slip out of your asshole.

Fixed a bug where diving for treasure in the dungeon lake could find items that were for fetishes you didn't have enabled.

Fixed a bug where the Christmas strap swimsuit (the lewder version of the candy cane outfit) would transform back into the candy cane outfit when you broke the 'no fighting' rule of the headgear again.

Fixed a bug where clothing with one or more used condoms from exactly one known NPC pinned to them said that the condom(s) were from an unknown source.

Fixed a major problem with the chess lesson that was stopping it working properly!

Significantly improved the cumdumpster headband's ability to check if you had enough different types of cum in you.


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TrapQuest241219 (Wonderfuller Model).gblorb 627 MB
80 days ago

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